The Mens Ministry of First Bossier is passionate to see men of every age growing in their relationship with Jesus and others. What God can do in and through the life of a man who is totally committed to Jesus is powerful. At First Bossier we are excited to see God work in the hearts of men through weekly Bible Study gatherings, conferences, special events, opportunities to serve and so much more!
5 Week Intensive
Man 2 Man
Guys, all of us need encouragement and friendships who will help us stand strong in our Christian faith. Man 2 Man is a powerful opportunity for you to be encouraged and equipped on what it means to be a man of God, a godly husband, and dad who impacts his home in a dynamic way. This 5-week effort will give you the opportunity to grow consistently. We will study God’s Word, get to know each other better and have fun! Weekly giveaways, a light breakfast, and we will honor your time so you can have confidence to get to experience this hour of ministry and then go do what you need to do. Invite a friend and register today!

2810 E. Texas St.
Bossier City, LA 71111
(318) 746-7940